Welcome to Rosnovsky Park

Rosnovsky Park has been my personal blog since about 2003. It went through many iterations, changes, experiments, and reboots. Here's the latest and greatest I've got for you!

Latest Posts

Web Development

Exploring Astro DB

Astro just released Astro DB, a fully managed database integrated with the framework itself. I created a views counter for my blog, and loved the experience.

10 min read
Web Development

Migrating Mastodon instance to Kubernetes

I run a small Mastodon instance, and recently I've migrated it from a Docker container in Digital Ocean to my own Kubernetes cluster on Hostinger VPS. Here's how I did it.

9 min read
Web Development

Resume automation

Being recently laid off, I expect to send out hundreds of job applications in coming weeks and months. Why not make working with resume updates as convenient as possible?

5 min read
Web Development

Using GPT as a rubber ducky

There's this popular practice among engineers to talk through problems out loud. When there's nobody around (or you don't want to interrupt others), this practice calls for talking to a rubber duck toy. Well, I found a great rubber ducky in ✨sparkling autocomplete✨ AKA generative pre-trained transformers.

4 min read
Web Development

Moving away from Vercel to Kubernetes

After years and years of hosting this blog on Vercel, I'm moving away to my own Kubernetes cluster. Here's how (and why).

5 min read
Web Development

Docker and Node 20 on M1 Macs

If you trying to build a Node 20 image with Docker on Apple Silicon while upgrading from an older Node versions, you may get stuck on the `npm install` step. There's an easy fix for it.

3 min read
Web Development

Fun with OpenAI, GPT, and Notion

I’ve been toying with this side project for a couple of months, and I’m pretty happy about how it’s been going so far.

2 min read
Web Development

Building this website: meditation through code

It's funny how I spend a lot of my free time on tweaking this website, improving this or that, adding a random feature, or falling down a rabbit hole of some technology I may eventually want to use here. Yet its main purpose - it's a blog, damn it! - happens to be mostly neglected.

4 min read
Web Development

CascadiaJS 2021

For years I wanted to attend CascadiaJS 2021, a PNW-native JavaScript conference. And for a while, I either couldn’t afford it, didn’t have the time, or had more immediate priorities.

7 min read