Welcome! Happy to see you here.

Listen, we need to talk. Or maybe we don't. In any case, I write about web development, hiking, and random hobbies I pick up every now and then.


Latest posts from the blog

Web Development

Exploring Astro DB

Astro just released Astro DB, a fully managed database integrated with the framework itself. I created a views counter for my blog, and loved the experience.

10 min read
Open Source

Building astro-mastodon library

I really wanted to embed some of my Mastodon posts right into my blog posts, but there were no good options to do so. Well, I've built one.

6 min read
Web Development

Migrating Mastodon instance to Kubernetes

I run a small Mastodon instance, and recently I've migrated it from a Docker container in Digital Ocean to my own Kubernetes cluster on Hostinger VPS. Here's how I did it.

9 min read

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Web Development

Docker and Node 20 on M1 Macs

If you trying to build a Node 20 image with Docker on Apple Silicon while upgrading from an older Node versions, you may get stuck on the `npm install` step. There's an easy fix for it.

3 min read